API is a concept that will help many users in the future to design their own measuring system that does exactly what is needed, stripped of anything superfluous.
What is needed for this: a modern measuring device, a license and a programmer. At HBK you will find these devices that make the hard work of data processing and that are open to sharing this data.
What can API do for you? Well, first of all it stands for Application Programming Interface. But it allows you to integrate a measuring device, or several, into your total solution, to control the settings and to receive measurement data. This allows you to further make your decisions or produce a report related to a product.
The doors are open to our sound level meter Type 2245 and to our hardware platform, namely the multi-channel data acquisition system LAN XI. Within our LAN XI products, the API has long been used for the Notar® and SonoScout® products.
To achieve this, we provide the necessary documentation and practical examples. You can already preview, take a look at:
API & sound level meter Type 2245